It seems like more reporters are hopping on the trend of young men joining the Freemasons. Following up on the LA Times article, it seems like the Boston Herald can't be left out of the picture and have found their own local angle.
It's true. For any writer that might stumble on this, you can go to your local lodges (look them up in the yellow pages under 'Secret Societies'[sic] or 'Service Clubs') and ask about their young members. You will find the same story just about everywhere.
The story is simple. We found our lives were lacking something. We were introduced to Freemasonry in any number of ways, and it resonated with us. The result is we're getting involved in our communities again, we're getting connected with our families again, and we're making the world a better place again.
Hi, Trevor. How is your year going in the chair?
We're dark for the summer, but I couldn't ask for a better team to work with.
Line officers and past masters are both very supportive. We have a good deal of work to do passing and raising a bunch of apprentices and fellowcrafts from last year (and some previous to that).
I've got a good slate of education topics set up and I'm looking forward to a really interesting and rewarding year.
Hope things are well with you! TT
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